I have learned more from my time with you all on Hubski than I ever did in college. Then again, I wasn't much of a student. Still, your posts and comments have inspired me to learn more about science, technology, the geopolitical landscape, economics and art than I would have ever ventured to learn on my own.
Perhaps even more important are the friendships I have made because of this site. I will not name names because you all know who you are. Some of you may be thinking, "am I one of them.." the answer is "yes!"
We have had #grubski #hubskidrinkclub, #hubskibookclub, #hubskifilmclub, #hubskioriginalmusicclub, we have shared goals, created short stories together, consoled one another, celebrated together, hell... some of us have even shared beds (in case my wife is reading this, I'm not in this category). We have had countless #hubskimeetup's and we've been drunk together, gone to museums together, dined together.
Hubski is a small site by anyones standards. But as I tell myself reassuringly, often, it's not size that matters, it's girth... I mean... substance :)
I love you Hubski. Thanks for a great 2000 days!! I look forward to 2000 more and beyond!