I, for one, do not welcome our new Neoliberal overlords.
I do not welcome the non-choice between a self-worshipping neoliberal, and a neoliberal for sale to the highest bidder.
I do not welcome the continuation of the intentional decline in real wages for the last fifty years, by both parties and all their immoral members, foolishly and viciously elected.
I do not welcome the change from a policy of lies, to a policy of brazen and unveiled support of Reaganomics and Corporatocracy.
I do not welcome the only allegedly progressive candidate, who gives secret speeches to financial executives which the public is not allowed to know or hear, but who subsequently give her hundreds of millions of dollars, and who the very next day claims unabashedly that Wall Street hates her.
I do not welcome a President who gives secret speeches, and directs noise machines at press microphones, who in no respect believes in or supports the freedom of speech, or of the press, which are imperative to democracy and liberty.
I do not welcome the convergence of two extremist parties into a single-party system, unified in their Feudal, Neoliberal policies, and differentiated only by superficial social positions already decided by the Supreme Court of the United States.
I do not welcome the claiming of an historic title, the first female President of the United States of America, by a woman who cares not for the people, nor liberty, nor justice, nor equality, nor peace, nor any of the virtues which ought adorn the bearer of such history.
I do not welcome the last, greatest evidence of the failure of Democracy to the selfishness, ignorance, and vice of the masses.
I do not welcome the Feudalism which marches doggedly, bringing a close to three hundred years of Liberty, against all nature, which may never come again.