So I will be moving out of the country in March. It would be one month before my apartment lease ends (April). Why? Because I misunderstood my lease length as ending one month earlier than it does... So I bought my non-refundable flight ticket one month too early. I have the choice of either paying for the last month myself while I'm not living here, or finding someone else to rent. I thought a one month lease wasn't exactly attractive, so I decided I should move out a little sooner to entice someone with a longer lease. I gave the building manager my notice that I will be moving out before the end of January.
I was planning on moving in with a couple friends of mine for the next two months because they have a spare room for rent. I've told them that I will be moving in.
I'm moving in for February. I haven't found someone else to take my lease. I now have to pay for rent for both places. Fuck me.