At the moment, the tag #rustledjimmies seems to be about the sadness of mutees and their need for love and acceptance. After a closer inspection of rustled jimmies, I see that it's been added in every case as a community tag. I suspect that someone other than the poster is mocking the poster.
I checked urban dictionary and apparently having one's jimmies rustled, or re-rustled also means:
This is good to remember. One wants jimmy-rustling to be an activity done to one's self by one's self. If you're getting your jimmies rustled on hubski, you might want to walk around the block a few times.
Meanwhile, I discovered that the phrase, while new to me, has garnered itself a wealth of graphics, a video explaining the history of the phrase, and a discussion of the phrase on a somewhat homophobic body-building website.
Let's talk about:
to mean irritations, difficulties, and problems that we are experiencing.
-- What's rustling my jimmies right now is harrassment by my soon-to-be-ex-unit that I sign things. Other things too, but I have to run.
What's rustling your jimmies?