by War
This doesn’t mean ‘bots are writing code. But they are generating a lot of the data and configuration files needed to run the company’s software. “You need to make a concerted effort to maintain code health,” Potvin says. “And this is not just humans maintaining code health, but robots too.”
Piper spans about 85 terabytes of data (aka 85,000 gigabytes), and Google’s 25,000 engineers make about 45,000 commits (changes) to the repository each day.
The article really highlights well how much times have changed in terms of software, and hardware. I mean you always read about how the astronauts were using computers with less processing power than modern-day cellphones. I have about 3 TB on board, and then 2 TB external. Internet speeds, hard drive capacity, RAM, and such have all dramatically increased with time. I shudder to think of the monstrous powerhouses of the future