At this point it has just been about three weeks since we've heard from Difference and as such, I will attempt my best to run #animeclub in his absence.
Anyways, referencing this post:
It seems we have a tie between Psycho-Pass and Shinsekai Yori. As such, I have created a poll for us to vote for which anime we want to watch, here: I know many of us have busy schedules and may not be able to watch a show as fast as others. Because of that I'd like input on how much time you have to watch anime within a week, and approximately how long you think you take to finish a show of 12 episodes. From this information I'd like to create a day on which we can discus the show, and if you guys are willing, I could create a schedule in which we discuss the show on specific days with us at: half-point/quarter/episode/every n episodes/etc.
I know I'm asking a lot, but to wrap this up, I'd also like your thoughts for how we should run our discussions; in this case mainly how we should set up the post for the discussion. I think if I asked anymore about rules/regulations it would be too time consuming to do on a habitual basis as a hobby for all of us here.
Last but not least, if Difference is still around and willing, I'd gladly surrender the main honcho position back to him. After all, why wouldn't you want to be the conductor of the train you built.