Mainly posting because I visit the site being interviewed
A quote of the last question:
This is a big can of worms, and I could easily write a book about it all by itself, but if I can make a couple of brief points here:
Firstly, bikini armour can be part of a work of art – but labelling something as "art" does not place it beyond criticism. Quite the opposite, actually: I think one major purpose of art is to generate discussion and debate. Sexuality is a core part of many works of art, from pin-up photography to the work of Marquis de Sade to Dracula, through even Dead or Alive. These have all been criticised for their sexual aspects, but I tend to believe that in being criticised, they become more relevant as works of art, not less so.
Regarding how the Japanese approach sexuality in art, I do think Japanese culture has a different view on sexuality and representation than Western culture. There are certainly issues with how women are treated in Japanese culture – for example, local feminists are fighting for representation and opportunity in the workplace and moving past the idea that women should raise children while men earn the income – but I don't think that necessarily leads to the kind of conservativism we see in Western cultures toward depictions of sexuality in games.
After speaking with the Japanese developers in Game Art, I get the impression that sexuality is seen as a kind of empowerment, and that incorporating it into a character design is a sign of strength and respect for that character. Regardless of how we feel about these games in the West, in Japan, they're not problematic in the same ways, and I included them in the book to represent a very different way of thinking about games.
Incidentally, this discrepancy in Western and Japanese values and the way they are reflected through games is a topic I tend to write about at length. If you're interested in seeing some further and more in-depth thoughts from me on it, I'd like to point you to my website.