It was fun to make music tonight. There are parts of this I dig. With some love from you all, it could actually be a good tune. Sorry for the lame guitar solo at the end. I was running out of time and was running my guitar direct without an amp. Just a pedal in to my mbox. Late night, kids sleeping etc :)
Anyone want to add something?
galen, rezzeJ, randomuser Willchill, TiffanyAching, Dendrophobe, Dream-Theater, nothingleftinside, Super_Cyan, Dr_Hix Metal thenewgreen gotrees CDank Fluffy017 ll_drool_j impedans Formerly_Me DonJohnson Curious_CJ TenNinja OftenBen TroubledClef Eisen-Sabbat miscanth icecrow waffles @explodi@ JuanGrisFTW OftenBen triton77 avaiihn Metal galen jonaswildman @lmarreteet23@ gotrees impedans Vale thenewgreen Embezzle rochecoach avaiihn explodingmonkeys flopper gotrees zdenek2antonin gotrees nullun Pareeeee DonJohnson triton77 Corinne pelicandb mifuyne TroubledClef yutgu coquelicot Dr_Hix DonJohnson Fluffy_bunny thepoleman1 jonaswildman