First off, thanks to all the people who gave me their honest opinions on the last thing I posted. I don't just mean the compliments, but the tips and criticisms, they help me to get better at this.
So taking some advice from a commenter to try watercolours, Here's my latest piece. I'll admit that I'm not entirely enamoured with it, but for a first attempt at panting/watercolour I don't immediately hate it. Still, I'd love to get some honest feedback on it so I can try to improve.
Overall for me, painting is scary, I'm constantly worried I'll misbrush something and fuck it up, but as I went on I started to enjoy it and feel good just finally doing it, regardless of how it turned out. I've done bit and pieces with spray paint on canvas before but usually only stencils, which can be fun, but isn't as exciting as watercolours are to me now (I sound so dull).
Enough of my life story, let me know what you think! (Even if you hate it!)