People have various thoughts about the MB Personality Type classification, but I really feel that I have external judgement and am oblivious to what's happening internally, so reading about myself is eye opening Any thoughts? (warning, it's kind-of a horoscope, so take it with a grain of salt..)
This link - only for the test, 72 questions or something, simple yes/no - go with what you feel/ your instinct/ be honest/ don't stress over each question too much - then write down your 4 letter type and the percentages (higher percentages over all means you'll be a typical 'that type' like I am - super-low percentages means you'll be balanced in mind-function - but the descriptions of personality may be inaccurate or you may resonate with other types (there are 2 options for each of the 4 characters - 16 types - so 0% will mean you're in between the 2 options, 100% means you're absolutely one in preference to the other.)
(don't worry about anything other than the 4 char code and the %s) The 4 char thing is simple and inaccurate for analysing.
The way it really works is that the 1st character is useless, and 1 is missing, and it's actually 4 two-character codes like Se (Sensing Extroverted) - which means drinking in the outside world through sensing (rather than Si Sensing Introverted, which means sensing what's inside you) and you'll have 4 of these in a particular order -
primary, auxiliary, tertiary, least-one
with alternating Intro/Extroverted-ness
Better code description here (along with how you develop through life and an overview of what it all means
Here is a fancy site which shows you which celebrities have your type, a horoscope type description of yourself (everything to do with these personality things can be false, and don't predict anything, you can use it to learn about yourself and change however you want to) - also has info about jobs that are good for you, and tips on strengths/weaknesses and notes on relationships ~