In Michigan, the law recently changed to allow airborne, large fireworks for consumer use along with increasing the amount of days they could be used. They can now be fired off the day before, on, and after 10 particular holidays from 8AM to midnight.
The 4th of July evening was incredible. We live in the suburbs and could hear them in all directions at all distances well into the 2AM hour. It was obnoxious. I just got to thinking about how we're all celebrating our independence by firing off Chinese-made explosives that symbolize the "rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air" killing everyone below during the struggle for independence.
Then I thought of the people dying for our freedom and the likely PTSD flareups some of them must be suffering having to listen to all of this.
Then I thought of all the people blowing their hands off that night.
Then I thought of all the mortar shells I'd be picking out of my yard, and the piles of cardboard garbage that (still two days later) is strewn down the street by my neighbors firing them off.