I noticed the #scificlub hadn't been used for a long while, and one of the main complaints was that the books being posted were too long and too inacessible. Surely the solution then would be to search Project Gutenberg?
I chose this story by Phillip K. Dick as he is one of my favourite authors whom I have never read, his stories are characterised by the bending of reality and readers expectations and I felt this story was short and interesting enough that it could prompt some discussion.
I enjoyed the story, I have found that the most successful stories are ones that world-build through inferences rather than by directly telling the reader; in this instance the Martians are barely mentioned but you can infer that they may regularly trade with earth, having an Optus perhaps fill the role of a towns mayor or a priest. This already to me is a compelling world, hinting at early colonial adventures and the mistakes and rewards of such; which is a shame as I do not expect Dick to have written any more within this setting.
So what does everybody think?