printSeinfeld: the most Kafkaesque show on television [2011]
by flagamuffin
The show is bursting with examples. In “The Little Jerry,” Jerry writes a bad check at a bodega. The store owner posts the check on the wall as a way to teach Jerry a lesson. After Jerry repays him, the store owner refuses to take down the bad check, claiming, “It’s store policy.” When Jerry tells him, “But it’s your bodega,” he replies, “Even I am not above the policy,” a dialogue that wouldn’t seem out of place in The Castle. Then there’s “The Chinese Restaurant,” in which the characters are denied access to a table for no reason they can discern, waiting half an hour in real time. Or the Dragnet-inspired, officious library cop from “The Library.” And of course, “The Soup Nazi,” who’s confusing and authoritarian policies lead to George’s banishment.