Decided to make this an occasional rather than a weekly thing to give some breathing room between mixes.
To recap the idea:
The point is to listen to what music came before your submission, in order to appreciate others' tastes and to build a musical conversation. It's best if you listen to the whole playlist before you add your submission, but at least listen to the song directly preceding your choice. Expand your horizons! Ground rules: 1. One submission per user.
2. In order to avoid doubling up on responses to previous songs, potential submitters "call" their spot and then give some time for others to see that the next spot has been taken. So, call it, wait a while (which should give you time to chew on your response anyhow), then submit.
3. Put your numerical order before your submission. This ensures that future submitters listen to the playlist in sequence regardless of whether or not shares shift the order that submissions are viewed in.
4. Explain your choice.
5. If you were first to submit last time, please allow somebody else to take first spot for the current playlist.
bfv started the last one. Anybody new want to take first crack at this one?