Ok, everyone has heard of the ice bucket thing. Yes, over $10 million was raised for ALS. That money was donated for ALS Awareness and Research. Not, Research and Awareness. That's an important distinction. Awareness will NOT CURE A DISEASE. FEELING GOOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA WILL NOT IMPROVE HEALTH OUTCOMES FOR ANYBODY(I don't think).
I have a larger problem with this whole thing though. No one knows a thing about the organization they donated to. I guarantee it. Unless someone has a close relative that's actually actively suffering ALS, or is recently deceased, it's very likely that they did not put any thought into the not-for-profit that they donated to. That's dangerous. My sole argument, unless someone wants to get into the nitty-gritty of it all, is the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
I donate time and give regular financial support (Though limited, because college) to several charities. Ones that are near to me, that I have researched, that I know have visibly improved peoples lives. I am all for honest volunteering (For 0 reward. Honor points and 'community service hours' do not count. That is not charity), and generous charity. I am against awareness. I am against feel-good social media campaigns (Kony 2012 everybody!).