So the idea for a movie club was brought up earlier this week by nowaypablo and we've decided to bring it to fruition. To begin though we need to see how you all would prefer to go about having this run each week and hopefully we can have our first movie decided upon by the end of Friday.
I was thinking we'll have a voting thread each Friday on which movie to watch and have a discussion thread on Monday giving everyone the weekend to watch the movie.
A few points I would like to iron out though are:
-Should this be Netflix based?
-Would everyone prefer a rotating genre each month?
-When voting provide a brief description why you recommend the movie, the associated imdb link, and Netflix or other streaming site link?
And I think that's it, if there are any other suggestions you guy can make feel free to voice your opinion. I think this could be a fun club so let me know what you all think!
Edit: So it seems there are enough of us to go ahead and make this a thing so beginning Friday morning I'll post a voting thread and we'll give this a go!