'sokay. I got a shit ton to say about this but I'm a gonna lead with some questions for to provoke discussion.
1) Are there any positive role models for any of the "Magical Girls" in Madoka Magica? Or are some of them straight-up shitty? Anybody in particular?
2) If witches start out as magical girls, who do you think Wallpurgisnacht used to be?
3) Who is the true protagonist of Madoka Magica and why? Who is the true antagonist?
4) How important do you think parallelism is to plot advancement and character design in Madoka Magica? What other design aspects do you feel heavily influenced the story?
5) Does Madoka Magica have a "theme" that you can discern? If there were a moral to the story, what would it be?
6) What effect did subliminal design have on the story? For example, choice of weapons? Foreshadowing of dialogue? The absolute masterpiece that is the opening credits?
7) (just for Ando) does Madoka Magica subvert or reinforce the dominant trope of Magical Girl anime?