Today we are updating our Privacy Policy.
The substantive changes to our Privacy Policy reflect one thing: We do not want to know anything about you beyond your username, your email, and what you choose to post on the site.
The Hubski application and servers do not log your IP, and our Piwik analytics software (which we run on our server) masks the last three bytes (nine digits) of your IP.
In addition, as your activity on Hubski (the pages you visit, the times you visit them, the browser you use, etc.) could be used to identify you, user-specific activity is deleted from our Piwik logs every 24 hours.
We will not share any user-specific information (including emails, IP addresses, partial IP addresses, or user-activity) with third parties. We don't only feel that privacy is important, we believe that it adds value to the Hubski experience.
As always, feedback is much appreciated.
p.s. In an upcoming and related update, we will more specifically address our approach to moderation on Hubski.