This question was inspired from TNG's post here about his dog, Hemingway, and a health related decision. Read the thread if you haven't already.
That post got me to thinking, what is the hardest or toughest decision I've had to make lately? Be it a financial, personal, or moral decision. For me it's probably one that I'm still dealing with with relation to my academic department. There is a society for Chemical Engineering students, in which funding comes from member dues and our college's Student Affairs and Student Government (if needed, and by request only). With being a Student Government recognized club comes the responsibility of leadership being elected by the constituency of the organization, in this case the student members. However, it was brought to my attention that elections were conducted by having candidates present to the faculty of my academic department. Decisions were then made during the faculty retreat and I feel time could have been spent on more worthwhile pursuits. There was no student input in these elections, which opposes the rules of being a recognized club. I've approached my department about it but have gotten nowhere, and am now faced with the decision of going to Student Affairs. It's a hard decision because I don't want funding or anything of the sort taken away from the people who actually run the day-to-day operations just because of department is more involved than they're supposed to be. Additionally, the department does help with professional connections and bringing people in as guest speakers, so they are still depended on in some ways. Just not ways that delegate that they can decide leadership.
Anyway, what's the hardest decision you've made recently or are in the process of making?