So here we will discuss Fantastic Planet.
Discussion Prompts:
Here's some prompts you may respond to if you want. You, of course, don't have to respond to the prompts and can just say whatever is on your mind about the story. However if you're drawing a blank hopefully responding to a prompt will incite some meaningful discussion.
1. There's a pretty obvious critique of the treatment of animals/pests here. Would you say you're swayed at all?
2. Ok, what was your favorite creature?
Voting material for the next installment
We have a pretty nice list of previously-suggested material here to pick from, so in the interest of avoiding an overwhelming number of choices, let's vote on these picks. If you want it to be picked, try and draw others to your side in the discussion section.
Blindsight - Free to download, but not exactly short. An amazing book though and it goes by fast. Very much loaded with material to discuss.
Golem xiv by Stanislaw Lem
Rendezvous with Rama
Forbidden Planet
The Day the Earth Stood Still
I, Robot (non Will Smith version)
kleinbl00 JakobVirgil eightbitsamurai mhr OftenBen plewemt elizabeth blackbootz flagamuffin