My father is a painter. He's pretty good, but I didn't like art for a while cause he wasn't a good dude and everything in fine art I associated with him. Some time passed, now I breathe art. Here's rambling on my two favorite painters, and a bit on how much I love powerful color.
I love powerful color. Now here's some art.
Odilon Redon: The colors he expresses are unreal and unmatched in my opinion. Here's a bit about him
He was famous for his sketches, but I don't like them. Not compared to his paintings.
This is an album I put together. None of these are near his best paintings, go to for the good stuff.
Discovering Redon changed my life a little bit because it made me understand the potential of human creativity, and its ability to break past the things we perceive in nature and 'real life'. Just imagine if Redon was a mantis shrimp and could see 9 more primary colors than we can.
James Whistler. This dude made things seem really big but really empty, a lot like the life we all live if we're not careful. On a more shallow note, I can get lost in his paintings.
Whistler liked boats but sometimes he didn't paint boats, he painted girls Find his stuff on your own.
Thanks to elizabeth for being the first person to ever mention a real interest in art to me and encourage me to make a post. I've never said anything about art to anyone ever (who actually listened/understood), and excuse me if some/all of these are reposts- I have no idea how popular these two are. I also would like to know if any of you art enthusiasts feel what I do when looking at a painting. The effect is only true when looking at the real thing, but going through a collection online and finding something that catches your eye... It makes me reflect on myself, a really good painting. It tells me something it knows is true, and doesn't give a shit about what I have to protest, which is interesting because we like to defend ourselves about everything we think and say, so for something to make itself known, look you dead in the eyes and make you vulnerable- that's something strong.
I'll make more #thingstolookat# about other stuff if this goes well.