Love, is the Universal Language
    that is spoken across the Realms;
    sentients, bipedal, winged, also
    horned. There is no need to bring
    your computer, your universal translator,
    your gizmo. 

    Love is Understood. 

    By hearts. 

    So then bring your heart. Bring, your
    Shining Cup. Bring the hallowed hollow,
    cavity.  Gaping wound. Bring that and
    We Shall Pour Sweet Wine, to the 
    Brim. Then gaze deep into the Cup of
    Jamsheed, World Conquerer, to See. 

    Truly it is a Holy Grail.

    Love conquers all, and all shall come 
    to the King of Love, the Sultan of Love,
    the Lord of Love, The Living One, as
    bondsmen and bondswomen. There is no
    escaping The Fetter of Love. 

    Love Commands: Submit!

    Love Says, Bow Before Me, and be thou,
    my slave, humble, sweet natured, bowed 
    down, broken, and utterly destitute.

    Be thou humble in My Presence.

    Love Commands: Surrender to me!

    Only then shall ~!!! I !!!~ free thee from
    My chains. 

    But alas, 

    There is no escaping the bondage, for 
    headless we stand in The Presence --
    for before Love had claimed our head, 
    and took it with a clean cut.

    And what sweet bondage and servitude 
    is this, and how wondrous this Beauty
    that insists on drinking our Blood.
    Love IS. 

    The Messenger -- and Salaam Ever Be Upon
    Him and His -- did deliver the message, in

    There is no I but I-love-will,
    And The Praise Worthy Is HU's Messenger.

    Shaykh Spear, Hoosh'Yaar you remain, 
    though drenched
    in vintage wine. 

    Dip then the finger and flick
    the drops in the Assembly. For together, 
    ranged in ranks, we stand
    with headless necks bowed. 

    Our Aim is One 
    & Salaam.

(Hooshyar means clear minded, sober, aware.)

posted 3922 days ago