We must get rid of the Anarchists! They are a menace to society. Does not Hearst say so? Do not the M. & M.

and the gentlemaen of the Chamber of Commerce, who have also declared war on Labor, assure us that the Anarchists are dangerous and that they are responsible for all our troubles? Does not every skinner of Labor and every grafting politician shout against the Anarchists? Isn’t that enough to prove that the Anarchists are dangerous?

But why are all the money bags and their hirelings so unanimous in condemning the Anarchists? Generally they disagree on many questions and they bitterly fight each other in their business and social life. But on TWO questions they are always in accord.

Smash the Labor Unions! Hang the Anarchists!

WHY? Because the Labor Unions are cutting the bosses’ profits by constantly demanding higher wages. And the Anarchists want to abolish the boss altogether. ...


a classic.

but it's a shame you've included the quote formatting error at the beginning that seems to be present in every other reproduction of this essay on the internet

delicious #copypasta

posted 3947 days ago