Onwards and upwards! Please enjoy a rambling discourse on the third essential phase in your recovery from a night of revelry. More to follow.


    “Refrain at all costs from taking a cold shower. It may bring temporary relief, but in my own and others’ experience it will give your M.H. (Metaphysical Hangover) a tremendous boost after about half an hour, in extreme cases making you feel like a creature from another planet. Perhaps this is the result of having dealt another shock to your already shocked system.” – Kingley Amis, “The Hangover,” Everyday Drinking, p. 82
I have to say that I've always found the opposite to be true. When in college we would head down to the Black Foot river when hung over and jump in the water. -Talk about cold! But, that always gave a shock to the system that seemed to awaken previously sleeping mechanisms. While it wouldn't eliminate the hangover, it did a great deal to lesson it's effects. At least that was my experience.

Looking forward to part 4!

posted 3961 days ago