Read this, then consider the one you accidentally see in your mirror. Is it who you thought it was? Do you react like the Fonz when he looks in the mirror or Snow White's step-mother?


Watch out guys; I am drinking and posting. This could get ugly.

Who is this in the mirror?! Where did he come from? He is so smart. So courageous. So fit. So fashionable. So attractive. So kind.

This is not the man in the bed. The man who thinks about nothing but his life that is lost. The life that has fallen around him. The life that he has not lived up to.

This is not the man at the bar. The man who is witty. The man who is too generous with drinks and just generous enough with his dancing. The man who impresses others. And even himself.

This is not the boy in the mirror. The boy who dreamed of being famous. Being an actor Being a singer. Being as great as his father. Better than his siblings.

Somewhere, somehow things have become disconnected. The man in the mirror. The man in the bed. The man at the bar. The boy in the mirror. Why aren't they the same? There is a disconnect. But I can't find it.

The man in the mirror is everything that I am not. Where did he come from? How can I get there?

posted 3976 days ago