Congratulations! You're one of the privileged few who've scored a pair of Google Glass, the futuristic eyewear that puts a tiny, voice-controlled, Wi-Fi-enabled computer on your face. It's the most anticipated gadget since the iPad, iPhone or iAnything, really. And the best part? You members of Google's "Explorer Program"—mostly app developers and supernerds—will be testing Glass in the wild months before the general public will get to wear it, fingers crossed, at the end of the year.


I for one am patiently waiting for my smartwatch, at which time, I'll probably start phasing out my smartphone. I have no desire to have a heads-up display. My life isn't that intense, and my need for data isn't so constant. Also, 99% of glasses look downright silly on me. There is about a 0.01% chance that Google Glass won't.

I can't wait for a watch because I can stop carrying a phone in my pocket.

posted 4007 days ago