As supporters of gay marriage adopted the avatar and battled opponents, a different side of the marriage debate made itself heard.

"Same-sex marriage gives more rights to some people, but it is less than marriage equality. There will still be people who cannot get married and there will also be people who for some reason or another don't want to be married who will not be able to benefit from the rights of those who are married."


N+1 had an interesting write-up a few years ago about opposition to marriage, same-sex and otherwise.



    Because the home has seemed to be at the origin of economics (the word comes from the Greek oikos, household, and household management, oikonomia), a revision of the home, say one based on non-reproductivity and made by equals of the same sex, could ground a wider egalitarianism. Because the family, as the crucible of personality for children, seems to be the origin of violence, hierarchy, and tyranny—in the old descending triad of dominance: man-woman-child—a revision of the family, such that children could look forward to forming their own future households on different models, could gain new principles of power for society.


    Today gay progress is in an expansionist phase under the banner of the right to marry. It asks for the opportunity of traditional marriage—the very thing many of us straights (not to mention the ’80s gay thinkers we, too, read and lionized) hoped gay life would undermine, in the name of new, better ways of ordering relationships.

posted 4046 days ago