At lower levels in an organization, it is easy to maintain the appearance that there is no discrimination going on. "Hey look, there are just as many women as there are men". But come time for promotion to senior, and eventually executive, positions, the pool of exceptional females grows thinner and thinner in comparison to the men, whose looks played less of a role in their initial hiring.


Perhaps the more attractive a person is the more experience they have in socializing and making a lasting impression compared to a more unattractive rival. Attractive people tend to be more outgoing because of the fact that throughout their lives people have been more prone to seek them out. Also this article fails to recognize that many studies have shown correlation between attractiveness and intelligence. This article is just one of many that points out that being attractive inst just looks

Also many women are not in senior leadership positions simply because less women have the desire to be in those positions. You can blame it on our culture but many younger women want their husbands to be able to take care of them and feel that they should not have to take up higher positions. The real reason women do not hold as much as a grasp is that many women don't truly want it, similar to the failing of the equal rights amendment.

posted 4102 days ago