Last night 
    Eye undressed the Moon 
    with my I:s

    She turned Red
    And quickly hid
    Behind a cloud

    This morning
    I took a stroll in the Garden
    of Good and Good

    Bent down to a thornless Rose
    & Up my Knows
    Crawled a Be

    Stinging deep
    In the Cave-a-T

    Dripping down my chin
    Sweet nectar
    (Due to Grave-a-T)

    From each drop 
    Upon the Dust
    Rose up a Man-a-Kin

    Brightly Plumed
    Finely tuned 
    Singing Wings

    Here then is a Secret
    Revealed for you
    (to here)

    Love our Self
    (to sea)
    The Eternal Eternity

    Shaykh Spear used to trade
    In couple-T:s
    Rhymed and so pretty

    But ever since he's gone luna-T:ic
    (oh, that poor bewildered man)
    It's all ABC:s and 1, 2, 3:s.

posted 4120 days ago