The audio is to our most recent podcast on "Space".

You can follow this link to soundcloud to listen to the podcasts we have already produced. I am currently working on the next podcast which I hope to have done by Monday. But since there are so many new Hubskiers I thought I would ask your help in coming up with topics. What would you like the podcast to cover? Are any of you working in fields of study that you think we would be interested in hearing about? Do you have any life experiences that you'd like to share? The topics can be broad or narrow in scope. They can be about the sciences or the human condition.... etc.

So what I'm asking is for three things:

1. Topics

2. Who wants to participate?

3. Constructive feedback on what we've done so far

Also worth mentioning is that steve is going to be putting some of the podcasts to video too, which should be very cool.

So how about it? Help a fella out....



People don't understand it very well, and I don't just mean religious fundamentalists!

posted 4129 days ago