Even princesses have to work. Leshu Torchin, on the new royalty meme, and the marginalization of womens' labor.


    Enviable work or not, identifying with a husband’s family, not to mention a country, can be exhausting. And it is a form of work that is most often the lot of women, not men.
What? Identifying with your spouses family is hardly specific to one gender over the other. I had to learn how to approach my new family as much as (or possibly more than) my wife had to for mine.

As the father of a daughter, I am constantly annoyed by the number of books, toys and videos that portray princesses as something a girl should aspire to. Screw that.

It's funny that you posted this because I was just having a conversation the other day about how I wanted to write a children's book titled "You be a princess, I'll be a ___" and have each page be a different profession far more exciting than being a princess.

posted 4180 days ago