Last year, I was trailing behind Steve — now my husband — in a grocery store when he grabbed a jar of store-brand peanut butter from a shelf. I plucked it out of our cart and examined the label.

    “Since when do you buy generic?” I demanded.

    Steve jumped away from me, his eyes wide with fear and surprise. It was an expression unlike anything I’d seen cross my husband’s face before — because, I belatedly realized, this man was not my husband.

    I dropped the peanut butter jar and sprinted off — leaving this poor stranger utterly perplexed.


I am so utterly fascinated with how the mind works... and doesn't.

No matter how much empathy you have, I don't think you can ever really appreciate how weird it must be to suffer from a condition like this.

Considering we see faces on toast and rocks and clouds or even electric sockets - I mean basically everywhere - it must be so strange not to recognise people by their faces.

posted 1705 days ago