In other parts of the world, including America, mass movements in the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s around the effects of globalization and police brutality have produced long overdue dialogue on race, gender and class, and how they all interact. In Britain, however, the space for this sort of dialogue has been much more limited. As a result, middle- and upper-class white feminists have not received the pummeling from black and indigenous feminists that their American counterparts have, and thus, their perspectives retain a credibility and a level of influence in Britain that the Michigan Womyn’s Festival could have only dreamed of.


TERFs are fucking weird, man. Their argument seems to be that they know better than the medical community. As far as I can tell they think effeminate young boys and lesbian girls are having unwanted gender reassignment. There's also the stuff about men going into women's restrooms like the Republicans. The "for the children" angle is particularly weird because it's such a creative fantasy.

posted 1891 days ago