SSB Ultimate Reveal

SSB 2018 Invitational Tourney

I'm most hyped about Daisy, Wolf, and Lucario. My roomie is hosting a farewell to Sm4sh at our place. The fact that all the characters are returning for this makes me wonder how balance will play out in the long run. My pea-brain is still impressed they patch these games on consoles now-a-days.

What about you hubski?

What are you excited for?

Are you excited for any characters/mechanics/stages making a come-back?

Any great memories with the franchise thus far?


    What are you excited for?

Honestly I'm just excited to own a Smash Bros game for the first time! Switch is the first Nintendo I've ever had. They could have just re-released the WiiU Smash Bros like they did with Mario Kart and I'd have been happy.

    Any great memories with the franchise thus far?

In summers me and some friends used to play 4-player Melee. It's still my favourite brawler to this day, and it will take a lot for Ultimate to match it. My most played character was Jigglypuff, with the ability to (almost) fly and to turn to stone and fall down on enemies as a powerful attack. I rarely won, but I had a lot of fun regardless! :-)

posted 2140 days ago