Practices of toleration that used to be seen as essential to freedom are being deconstructed and dismissed as structures of repression, and any ideas or beliefs that stand in the way of this process banned from public discourse. Judged by old-fashioned standards, this is the opposite of what liberals have stood for. But what has happened in higher education is not that liberalism has been supplanted by some other ruling philos­ophy. Instead, a hyper-liberal ideology has developed that aims to purge society of any trace of other views of the world.


This is just horseshoe theory, right?

As a liberal, my world view isn't wrong. It isn't really even being challenged. The regressive left is simply over zealous in their application of my world view. They don't know it, and actually disagree with the premise, but we're coming from the same place and therefore in-depth revaluation of my political philosophy is unnecessary. The difference is more quantitative than qualitative.


Edit: Ok, if you don't know much about John Gray, and believe in the concept of social progress, this is just horseshoe theory, right?

posted 2210 days ago