Tagging lil

I've been writing poetry lately. People I've shown have been positive enough with it for me to keep going with it. I spoke this poem at a poetry slam last Wednesday, and people liked it too. I hope you do as well.

This poem started off from a conversation I was having with someone about how much post-apocalyptic media has been written, made, and filmed. But, because of how I write, sort of stream-of-consciousness, it started there and then went somewhere else.

Tokyo Architects

   It’s easy to

think about the apocalypse.

Not just because of

“these days” or because we

live in “interesting times.”

It has always taken more

energy to create than it has

to destroy, to build

the sand castle than to kick it

down, to be the architects of

Tokyo than to be Godzilla.

It has always taken more

energy to create than it has

to destroy, because

to create is to resist.

We create bridges to ford

the troubled waters of life, to

make passage easier for those

who come after us.

we build dams and levees

to hold back the oncoming storm,

to keep those who cannot run

safe against the tempers of Poseidon,

and the sound and fury of the North Wind.

We resist.

and of course, any architect in Tokyo

will tell you that resisting

an earthquake means being able

to bend and sway like a forest of bamboo.

Lithe, smoothly moving to and fro with

adversity, but never losing its roots.

and of course, any architect in Tokyo

will tell you that being faced

with a giant force of nature, like

Godzilla, or Mothra, or Rodan,

means watching everything you have

worked for falling to pieces as you

run for your life.

Bricks, bullets, and tear gas in the air,

riot shields SWAT teams, and

militia in your rear view.

Being an architect in Tokyo

means seeing all of that horror,

your friend being hit by a carelessly thrown car,

and then waking up in the emergency shelter,

putting on your best suit (a bit bloodstained),

and starting again.

It has always taken more

energy to create than it has

to destroy.

To create is to resist,

and to build up from nothing is to

persist in the face of absolute destruction,

a Tokyo downtown flattened by

an angry, raging creature.

We, like cockroaches, too tough to kill,

like a supreme court judge too stubborn

to die, will persist.

and like Tokyo Architects,

we will start again.

Dedicated to the Notorious RBG, Supreme Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg


I LOVE THIS POEM, spoons, it's great. I'd like to include it in my upcoming RESILIENCE workshop. It's so much about resilience.

Also, I suggest dedicating it to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a supreme court judge too stubborn to die or retire. At 84, she plans to stay at least till 2020 so that Trump cannot name a US supreme court judge to replace her.

posted 2272 days ago