A guy named Bob takes on CinemaSins, a YouTube channel popular for criticizing/harassing popular films for their "sins" (mistakes, inaccuracies or clichés).

The video is a 30-minute-long visual essay aimed at portraying CinemaSins as inadequate to its stated purpose, as well as damaging to the overall entertainment climate through dumbing said entertainment down.

I'm not entirely convinced on all of the points, but I like to explore opposing points of view. I must admit: I went to watch the essay because I was already disfatuated from CinemaSins' approach.

I also went out to watch the Everything Wrong with "Everything Wrong with X" series of Bob's videos, those acting as precursors to the essay. Bob seems to be quite determined at disproving CinemaSins (and both it's creators, Jeremy and Chris) as disingenuious and hypocritical, while sometimes committing to the same things that he points out to be bad in CS. Here are the two videos I've seen, with a few more available on the channel:

Here, Bob presents good points on both the unsuitability of CS' said-to-be not-criticism and the film itself.



I hadn't seen this guy's stuff, but did unsubscribe from CinemaSins some time ago.

I just realized that it was either wrong or nitpicking stupid stuff that didn't go to the quality of the movies he was talking about.

posted 2321 days ago