I truly don't think you understand -- at all -- that this military AI arms race is the deadliest, most important problem EVER, the final AI arms race that is going to eliminate human life on this planet. For all the good stuff that AI will bring -- and it WILL -- this will be it's complete undoing. I simply don't know how to tell you how complete the apocalypse will be, because there has never been anything like it before. It will literally destroy the human race, period, and quite soon. Brilliant people are deeply worried; I am deeply worried, and I don't say that lightly -- I have never, ever been so serious or so passionate because of the scope and magnitude of it. It will eliminate the human race. Is that enough to get riled? -- you better believe so. This is not yet another boring incident -- this is monumentally important. I really hope you are cognizant of that difference.

posted 2426 days ago