This is concerning because of its Chilling Effect . Gab is an app and, like twitter, does not generate it's own content. (Obligatory: fuck hate)

Here's an interesting related article from 2016: Gab's Trump-Supporting CEO Kicked Out Of Y Combinator Startup Incubator for harrassing Y Combinator's community members

edited for spelling & grammar (Sorry, first post)


I heard someone talking on the radio yesterday that while what's going on at the moment makes sense, this whole scenario illustrates really well how much control tech companies actually have. Everything from companies like Visa, Paypal, and Amazon stopping transactions from going to certain websites to GoDaddy revoking services, to Facebook scrubbing hate speech to Google removing apps shows that it's very easy for companies to, in a way, scrub groups out. When, how, and why they do it or might be tempted to do it are all things worth pausing to consider.

Edit: Naturally, I don't have any answers.

posted 2441 days ago