Why We Need to Oppose these Groups

    To say that these people are neo-Nazis is not sensational hyperbole. They openly talk about genocide, about the need to sterilize black people, and the need to “ethnically cleanse” the US. They say that queer and trans people, those in racially mixed relationships, and anyone to the Left of themselves needs to be put into “re-education camps.”

    The liberals in the mainstream press think that we can “laugh at them” and they will go away. But each month, another mosque is burned, another shooting or far-Right murder takes place, and waves of Alt-Right vandalism and terror keep on happening.

    To stop the growth of a new fascist movement, we have to physically oppose it. We have to out-organize it and we have to counter it with everything we have.

    People didn’t laugh the KKK out of existence. They fought back, they armed themselves, and they stood their ground. The question is, what will we do?

Answer: I don't know. Yet.


The Alt-Right isn't the Klan. The Klan was civil war veterans, then people whose parents and grandparents were civil war veterans and who had been taught the lost cause in school, and then people trying to revive it to oppose the civil rights movement. They got big because they were preaching to the choir. The Alt-Right is a few people who are really into European far right movements and a lot who feel daring cosplaying nazis and making racist jokes. They're Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan except with /pol/ and twitter they can convince themselves they have an actual movement instead of just trolling. They don't have a choir to preach to, they just have idiot hangers-on who will move on when they stop looking cool and start looking pathetic. Hell, they've already managed to alienate the militia nuts.

They can be laughed out of existence.

posted 2459 days ago