Two years ago I used this website to write a letter to my future self. When I went home after seeing the new Star Wars movie, my brother sent me a link through g-mail and I saw right next to it that the website sent me the letter from two years ago and it all came back to me. A lot came back to me, since that year is like a blur to me now, so this was very helpful for remembering. I don't know how popular that website is, but I've decided to do it again this year. The next one will be on December 25, 2018. It's pretty interesting doing this, you may me completely different in two years, or the exact same person. Maybe this is more popular than I think it is, or maybe it is very old, but try it out, maybe you'll see your past self very differently like I did.


I took 4 semesters of creative writing in highschool, because they fulfilled humanities elective requirements with minimal effort, and one of the assignments in all of them was letters to yourself 0... 5... five years intervals in the future. The teacher of those classes has consistently figured out my address where whoever the fuck plans class reunions and alumni associations fail, so I'm still getting regular letters from myself in the past. Contra all the essays you read from people who did something similar say, I've been more or less who teenage-me wanted me to be every letter I've gotten. This year, when I got sucked into the corporate world against my will, has been the only year I've been in a position me-of-the-past would disapprove of, but after a year of fighting the suits at every opportunity I've returned to where I started the year, hacking on what I think I can do the most good on with negligible input from parties not primarily interested in success and well-being my users. Whether that counts as success, teenage-me being unambitious or grownup me having stopped evolving at 16 I decline to think about.

posted 2671 days ago