What advice would you give a poet? humanodon ? _refugee_? anyone

Advice to a Poet

for William Carlos Williams

  First see things as they are:

a red wheelbarrow

sweet, cold plums

Then add bias, interpretation: a red useful wheelbarrow

Add nuance: sweeter, colder, plummier plums

Add snow, bitter winds, hands stuffed in pockets turning blue,

Feet tripping over the wheelbarrow, half buried in snow.

Add Elvis singing, “It’s now or never/come hold me tight.”

Add one raised eyebrow, add a fast-beating heart.

Then climb in the wheelbarrow and ride away eating plums.


  Advice to a poet:


Advice to a poet:

One day you'll understand

that parable about the child who realizes

her parent used to art

and wasn't half bad at it -

but then stopped?

from the perspective of the papa

or the mama and it won't be

so sad anymore.

  Advice to a poet: life,

and love, change shape

over time. They're always there, but they won't

always rhyme.

posted 2685 days ago