The castle of my heart lies in ruin
	and the gates are thrown wide open.

        The vizier of my realm laments the looted treasury, 
	and the valiant generals are prostate in humility.

        That fanciful orb that swayed so proud on my neck
	where did it go when struck with the club of ne'mat?! [+]

        Come then O Alexander of my Heart, 
	Enter Thou ever Victorious!

        Goftam man: ey vaay key man Houshyar bodam
        Goft Hu: Haan?  Sabr kon taa Maa toraa Shayda konam [++]

[]: God's Bounty and Boon

[+]: Said I: O laments! I was of the intellect befriended! Said HE: Just you wait till WE make you a raving mad Man!

posted 4296 days ago