Wanna do an experiment with me Hubski?

About two or three years ago, my wife and I were listening to a podcast while taking a nice country drive (Dala, if you remember what it was, please share). The focus of the podcast was about a gentleman who decided to live for a certain length of time following old Biblical laws. That meant no shaving, no mixing fibers, so on and so forth. I’m not proposing anything that radical, cause I can’t imagine many people being willing let alone able to make so many big life changes.

One of the things that he talked about though, was saying little prayers of thanks whenever possible. Whenever he turned the ignition on his car and it started, he’d say a prayer of thanks. Whenever he got on an elevator and it worked, he said a prayer of thanks. What struck me as really compelling was he said that his little prayers opened up his eyes to how many things in life really go well that he takes for granted. All of these little things add up to his benefit and he noticed that by paying particular attention to them, he found he had so much to be grateful for. He ended up feeling better about himself and the world around him, and it had an impact on his happiness.

So since it’s November, and here in America at least November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s give it a shot. You don’t have to necessarily have to say a prayer of thanks, let alone believe in God or anything, but just take an effort to notice and appreciate all the little things that go right for us, day in and day out. I personally might be a bit overly optimistic about the impact of this experiment myself, but I’m feeling pretty confident that there might be something to this idea. I don't know how well I'll do, but I’m gonna give it a shot.


Ask me again next Wednesday :)

posted 2730 days ago