Well, our first-ever game of Hubski Diplomacy is wrapping up, with just Quatrarius mk and wasoxygen left-- well done to you all! Now seems like a great time to start talking about the possibility of another game. I know wasoxygen has expressed interest, and Q and I have been talking about maybe making this a regular thing. Do you guys think we could field enough players who can keep up with the game? I know we lost a few at the start of this game, so ideally we'd make sure that players who join can maintain involvement. Thoughts? Should we decrease the turn length? Increase it? Take off the password so non-Hubskiers can get in? And is there interest in making this regular?

War nowaypablo cgod blackbootz kleinbl00 OftenBen

(lmk if you'd like to be shouted out for future posts or removed from the shoutouts list, or just follow the tag, #diplomaski)


I had a really super terrible no good few weeks, but it seems to have settled down. From what I played I had a lot of fun I would love to play again.

posted 2872 days ago