At the risk of sounding like one of his pupils, I ask about the Beatles, specifically George, who felt his talents were overshadowed.

    “George came up to me at a party once and said “my Paul is to me what your Paul is to you.” He meant that psychologically they had the same effect on us. The Pauls sidelined us. I think George felt suppressed by Paul and I think that’s what he saw with me and my Paul. Here’s the truth: McCartney was a helluva music man who gave the band its energy, but he also ran away with a lot of the glory.”


This is stupid. Paul Simon has spent the last 45 years making quality music -- by himself (with incredible backing bands, I mean). Art Garfunkel has played the victim and mouthed off a lot. Boring.

Nor are there any parallels to George Harrison and Paul McCartney.

posted 2924 days ago