The nation wore its election suit and made mischief of one president and another

The media called him, “WILD TRUMP” 

 Donald returned “I’LL EAT YOU UP” 

so he was sent to Iowa without debating much.

That very night in New Hampshire a wall grew and grew -

It grew until it blocked out the Mexican cielo and the wall became the world all around

and an oil ocean tumbled by with a private sector oil platform for Donald and he sailed out of the Gulf up the Mississippi

in and out of Ch. 11 bankruptcies and over almost twenty years

of shuttered companies to where the wild votes are.


  And when Donald came to the caucuses and primaries where the wild votes are they waved their confederate flags and gnashed their teeth with glee

and swung their pink penises and shouted to show their security

til Donald said “LISTEN”

and tamed with the magic trick

of staring into all their dull eyes without seeming too bright

and they were comforted and called him the most like them presidential candidate there had ever been

and cast their marks for him as the new U. S. King.

“And now,” cried Donald, “let the wild Trumpus start!”

“Make America great again!” Donald said and sent the wild votes off to work without healthcare, regulation, antitrust laws or social security programs. But Donald the king

of All American Things remained dissatisfied and wanted to rule over where no one could check him at all. 


Then all around from each corner of the United States

he smelled the rank socialism remains 

of what he called "the Hussein programs" and began to tear them down. 

The wild votes cried, “We voted a red House and red Senate in for you too - 

those asses distracted between Clinton and Sanders - we love you, 

we love what you do!”

And Donald said, “Consume!” 

The wild votes waved their confederate flags and gnashed their teeth with glee

and swung their limp penises and shouted to show

how scary they were meanwhile Donald stepped

abroad his floating yacht-fracker and waved good-bye 

to the strong dollar and after one term didn’t even bother

to campaign for re-election just retired and went 

into the night of his own name waiting for him

in an accordion of enterprises which shut

and opened but remained essentially the same 

He chuckled from within his silken bed and he whispered, then,

“How’s that for a joke, citizens?”  


  He reached over and he put the lamp out.


    and cast their marks for him as the new U. S. King.

This line really resonated with me. This growing illusion that the president has monarchical power over the U.S. government is just foolish, yet we have these candidates in debates and platforms increasing the use of "I." They act as if they are the panacea for all that ails the U.S. it's one big a illusion that is force fed to the public election after election.

This was an amazing piece of work, truly.

posted 2964 days ago