Well wasn't that a beautifully animated and moving film? Seriously, what a master work!

But how did you feel?

This is a beloved film so I hope we can have a lively discussion thread! Comment below and share your thoughts on Spirited Away!


No Face is my favorite part of the film, and is a great representation of the influence of the environment on a person. Which, considering that part of the inspiration of Spirited Away was to make a film for his friends daughters, who were around the age of Chihiro (10 years old), it makes sense to play into the nature vs. nurture debate. But the way in which he did it is brilliant.

The film itself is obviously noteworthy as is Miyazaki's illustration style in general. The range of colors and the clarity of some scenes such as the water when Chihiro reaches the train station is extraordinary. There is such a balance between calm and chaos in every scene and character in this film.

posted 2978 days ago