I've been there, done that. Rat infested apartments the whole deal. You want a quick and easy way to know if someone does not understand poverty? The phrase "buy in bulk" comes out of their mouth.

I got out of poverty by sheer luck; I got a job that included room and board and isolated me from shopping, which enforced saving discipline. I am interested in seeing if anyone else has been through this and has anything to add to the article.


    I am interested in seeing if anyone else has been through this and has anything to add to the article.

I had a rant. It rambled on and was awful and negative. I deleted it. I'll just say this. The hunger sucked. The shame sucked. The fear sucked.

Don't laugh at the guy who comes knocking on your door three days before rent is due trying to sell you his X-Box, because that could easily be you, giving up pieces of your life just to have a roof over your head.

Find a local food pantry. Give to them. Not just now, but six months down the road too, when the word "charity" isn't on the tip of everyone's tongues.

posted 3060 days ago