"Under the current reporting system, the DMV – and the public – must rely entirely on the Internet giant's version of what happened," he said. "There is no independent third-party verification. 'Trust us, we're Google' simply isn't good enough when our public highways become the company's laboratory." Simpson said the DMV should further require that data and video gathered by a self-driving car be provided to the investigating police department.


If anyone's curious (I like to do background checks of things I find online):

    Consumer Watchdog (formerly the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights) is a non-profit, progressive organization which advocates for taxpayer and consumer interests, with a focus on insurance, health care, political reform, privacy and energy.

    The organization was founded in 1985 by California Proposition 103 author Harvey Rosenfield and is headquartered in Santa Monica, California. Its chief officers include President Jamie Court and Executive Director Douglas Heller. Other notable staff include consumer advocate John Simpson.

More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_Watchdog

posted 3162 days ago